
Many, many comics

I bought enough comics to build a house out of comics. A lot of things from my hold box came in today and I got several recent back issues I've been trying to find for a while thanks to another shop selling most of its stock to my favorite local comics emporium. For example, I picked up issues 1 - 3 of GØDLAND and the Essential Iron Fist collection. This week's haul was rather indie heavy so keep a weather eye out for many reviewings and opinionatings from Noetic Concordance Headquarters.

Tonight, however, I'm gonna read until I pass out.

EDIT: A closer scan of the comicblogland shows that I'm not the only one who bought a metric fuck-ton of pulp today. At least I'm in good company.

1 comment:

Vaklam said...

I guess I'll wait a bit to let you get through your current stack.

Much appreciated since it's gonna be somewhere around the summer of 2014 before I'm done with these.