
Linkin' Ain't Easy

I finally saw 300. It's good. You can read actual reviews of it all over the web. All I'll say is that 300 was exactly faithful enough to the original material (both the visuals and the story) to still be an enjoyable movie. Sin City, on the other hand, was fanatically faithful and the movie suffered.

Here's something I didn't know about: Stan Lee Media (no longer associated with Stan) sues Marvel for ownership of many characters.

Comics Should Be Good continues its Comic-Book Urban Legends series with one related to Captain America #25, sort of.

Added to the sidebar: Comic Pants. Randy Lander and a veritable Spartan army of other dudes post here. And there's a podcast! Do I have to click the link for you?!?

The Internet's Dave Campbell speaks the magic words and posts about Lame-Ass Villain #18.

And now: Rot Lop Fan

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