
Linkin' Nebraska

No, really! This one has a story about Nebraska in it.

The next installment of "Blogging the Crisis" will be up tomorrow. Until then, here are a couple more links:

The Freemont Nebraska Tribune has an article about a stolen comic book worth $4,000 - $5,000. It was recovered, which is good, but the article left out the most important bit of information. What was the comic?!? Was it that super-hot-hot-hot Captain America #25?

In non-Nebraska news, IF Magazine has an interview with Scott Allie, editor of Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Season 8. Man, there sure is a lot of space between each paragraph. It's like those papers I did in high school which had to be a certain page count so I pushed the margins in and triple-spaced all the text.

Also, in honor of Boom! Studios' excellent Cthulhu Comics, here's one of my favorite "Nameless Dreads" -

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